Birth Years for 2024-2025 Season | ||
U7 | 2018-2020 | $475.00 |
U9 | 2016-2017 | $575.00 |
U11 | 2014-2015 | $735.00 |
U13 | 2012-2013 | $860.00 |
U15 | 2010-2011 | $925.00 |
U18 | 2007-2009 | $945.00 |
Late Fee (Returning CLMH Players) | After June 15th | $250.00 |
POND HOCKEY | 2007-2017 | $195.00 |

Returning Players Registration Information:
Was your player registered with CLMH last season? If so, continue with these steps:
- All returning players (mainstream & female) must register by June 15th to avoid the $250 Late Fee.
- Before registering, log into your RIS Parent Course and check expiry. Courses always expire on May 1st, 4 years after taking it. (ex. if you took the course at any point in 2023, it expires May 1, 2027). RIS Parent Course
- Bingo Bond(s) must be dropped off once you register to be marked as complete.
Female Jaguars U11-U18:
Are you a non-resident of Cold Lake wanting to enroll in our all female Jaguars program?
- Alberta residents, please send a fully filled out and signed Player Movement Form to
- Sask residents must obtain a release from their Minor Hockey Association AND a Concession Letter from Hockey Sask and email both to
- Once received and the transfer has been approved, we will contact you to let you know you can register
New Players Transferring from another Minor Hockey Association:
Are you moving to Cold Lake and your player has played organized hockey elsewhere?
- Email a copy of the Parent Declaration Form to along with Proof of Address (i.e. utility bill, purchase or rental agreement, drivers license, etc.) to
- Once received, the transfer will be requested and when approved, we will contact you to register.
- June 15th deadline for late fee does not apply
- When able to register, you will need a valid Respect In Sport Parent Course certificate number as well as your players Hockey Canada ID (can be found when you log into the respect in sport program and click profile, then child management).
New Players to Minor Hockey:
Is your player brand new to hockey/never played with an association before?
- Take the Respect In Sport Parent Course prior to beginning the online registration. When adding your player with their name and DOB, make sure to select 'Cold Lake' as your association
- Once the course is complete, take note of the certificate number, and click "Profile" then "Child Management" and make sure your child(ren) are listed with their name and date of birth. You will then see their Hockey Canada ID number that is also needed for the online registration.
- Once online registration is complete, we require one Bingo Bond cheque per player for $300, left undated and made out to CLMH to be dropped off at our office in order to mark your player(s) as complete.
Pond Registration:
Pond is Sunday's starting in November and running until March for ages 7-17.
- For full program information, email Bonnie at
- Before registering, you must complete the Respect In Sport Parent Course

7825 51 Street
Energy Centre, Office 111
Cold Lake, AB T9M 0B6
Phone: 780-639-8880